Staying Alert and Fit to Drive

Drowsy driving can pose a serious hazard while on the road, not only to yourself but to others as well. Truck drivers often drive long hours, pushing themselves to meet deadlines or trying to reach a specific stopping point. Knowing how to stay alert while on the road can help you stay safe throughout your trucking career.

Get Enough Sleep

The easiest way to stay alert on the road is to get enough sleep. Try to schedule stops that allow for a consistent sleeping and waking schedule. The more regular your sleeping patterns are, the better quality sleep you will get and the more alert you will be. If you can’t stop for a longer rest, do stop to take a 20-30-minute nap. Just this short amount of sleep can help recharge your body and mind more than a soda or a cup of coffee.

Keep Your Cab Ventilated

A warm, stuffy truck cab can encourage drowsiness, putting you at risk for falling asleep behind the wheel. Keep your cab well-ventilated by using your air conditioning or opening a window to draw in fresh air. You don’t need to be freezing to stay awake—just a small amount of cool, moving air can help to keep your body more alert.

Know the Signs of Drowsiness

Above all else, it’s important to be able to recognize when you are feeling drowsy. If you begin to nod off, your eyelids feel heavy, or you can’t remember the last several miles, take action immediately. Heading off drowsiness by taking a nap or stopping as soon as you feel tired can go a long way toward improving your safety on the road.

HDS Truck Driving Institute wants you to stay safe on the road throughout your career as a trucker. Our CDL training classes will also teach you how to handle yourself and your truck safely. Take a look through our website or call (877) 205-2141 if you’d like more information about becoming a truck driver, including military and veteran benefits that can help you afford CDL classes.

Healthy Habits for Commercial Truck Drivers

Life on the road can tempt you into following unhealthy habits. However, staying healthy as a commercial truck driver doesn’t need to be a challenge. Staying aware of the ways in which you can maintain good health will ensure you look and feel great throughout your career as a commercial driver.

Pack Your Own Food

One of the biggest challenges for truck drivers is sticking to a healthy diet. The best way to ensure you’re eating healthy foods is to bring them along and keep them in ready supply. Purchasing a cooler can help you keep fruits and veggies fresh while on the road. Newer coolers can even be plugged into the power outlets in your cab to actively keep food chilled without the need for ice. Pack plenty of your favorite fruits and vegetables, whole-grain breads, deli meats, and low-fat cheeses to create healthy meals. Low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, and hummus with pita chips all make excellent midday snacks.

Make Healthy Menu Selections

There are many ways to eat healthily even if you do stop for fast food. Making smart menu choices in the drive-through can keep fat, calories, and sodium to a minimum when eating out. When selecting beverages, opt for water or unsweetened tea instead of soda, which will only add more calories and sugar to your diet.

Exercise Regularly

Every time you stop for gas, talk a walk around the area to keep your body moving. A pedometer can help you count the steps you’ve taken so you can set daily or weekly goals. There are also many simple exercises and stretches you can do in your cab, such as sit-ups and pushups. Try to perform a few sets of these daily before bed or first thing in the morning.

At HDS Truck Driving Institute, you’ll learn how to balance your health and your trucking career. Check us out on the web to find out more about our CDL classes, or call (877) 205-2141 for the answers to your questions about becoming a truck driver in Tucson.

Getting Enough Sleep as a Truck Driver

Getting enough sleep as a truck driver is important for two major reasons. First, numerous studies have shown that poor sleeping habits raise your risk for serious health concerns, including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Second, drowsiness while driving can also increase your risk of an accident on the road, endangering yourself and other drivers.

Plan Your Stops

As a truck driver, part of your job is planning out your route and the stops you will make along the way. Before setting out, know where you’re going to stop for the night and how long it should take you to get there. Once you’ve made your schedule, stick to it even if you’re feeling awake. You might not be so alert by the time you reach the next available place to get some rest.

Shift Your Schedule

Because parking spots at truck stops and rest areas can fill up quickly, it’s best to stop early to ensure you can beat the rush. If you stop in the late afternoon or early evening, you can get back on the road in the early morning. This strategy can not only ensure that you’ll have a place to stop for the night, but that you can avoid traffic by passing through cities long before rush hour hits.

Treat Sleep Disorders

Sleeping disorders, such as insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea, can affect your ability to get a restful night’s sleep even if you’re stopping for eight hours of rest. Seeking treatment for these conditions can help you to achieve the restful sleep you need to maintain good health and mental alertness. If you suffer from sleep apnea, talk to your doctor about treatment options for healthier sleep.

You can get more advice for a healthy trucking career from your experienced instructors at HDS Truck Driving Institute. Call us today at (877) 205-2141 for more details on admissions to our CDL school. We also invite you to check out our blog for more tips on truck driver health.

Beginning Your New Career as a Truck Driver

After you’ve graduated from CDL school, it’s time to begin your new career as a truck driver. There are many options to pursue, so it’s best to take some time to think about the career path you’d like to follow and how it will fit best into your needs and preferences. Even if you aren’t able to start out following the exact schedule and route you’d like, more paths will continue to open up as you build experience and credit as a trucker.

Company Driving

Working for a trucking company is one of the easiest and most common ways to begin a trucking career. When you work for a company, they will provide your truck and pay to maintain it to ensure it is safe and working efficiently. However, working for a company may offer more limited choices in routes, number of miles, and hours spent at home at first. As you build working experience and longevity with your company, you’ll likely gain seniority and the option to have more control over your schedule and routes. If you’d like to learn a new trucking skill or specialize in certain types of cargoes, consider signing on with a company that will either provide that education or help to fund further trucking courses.

Owner/Operator Driving

Rather than working for a company, you can go into trucking for yourself. Becoming an owner/operator requires a larger upfront investment because you’ll need to lease or purchase your truck. You’ll also need to pay to maintain it and keep up your own commercial auto insurance. However, becoming an owner/operator offers you the immediate freedom to choose the routes, cargoes, and companies you’d like to work with. Many truckers enjoy working for themselves and the freedom that comes with being an owner/operator rather than a company driver.

HDS Truck Driving Institute is here to help you prepare for a successful truck driving career. We are a nationally-recognized truck driver school that offers Class A and B training and testing. Please visit our website or call us at (877) 205-2141 to learn more about enrollment today.

Applying to Truck Driving School

Before you can become a truck driver, you must complete training at a truck driving school. Your training will include handling and maintaining your truck, as well as additional preparation you will need to pass the CDL exam. If you’re considering applying to truck driving school, keep reading to learn more about the admissions requirements at HDS Truck Driving Institute.


Educational Requirements

Before applying to truck driving school, you must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent. If you have neither of these, you must instead pass an approved Ability-to-Benefit test to be admitted.

Age Requirements

There are two types of licenses you can pursue: an intrastate license or an interstate license. If you’re applying to train for an intrastate license, you must be 18 years old by the time you complete your CDL training. You must be 21 or older by the end of your training to receive an interstate license.

Skill Requirements

While English does not need to be your first language to become a trucker, you must show proficiency in the language. You must demonstrate the ability to read and speak English well enough to understand road signs, make official reports and entries, and converse with trainers and other drivers.

Physical Requirements

All applicants to truck driving school must pass a drug screening test. You must also be able to pass a Department of Transportation medical exam to prove that you can operate a truck without posing a safety hazard to yourself or others.

Legal Requirements

To qualify for a commercial driver’s license, you must already hold a valid Arizona driver’s license. You must also show proof of at least one year of driving experience in a standard vehicle. A valid U.S. social security card is also required for admission to trucking school.

Are you ready to apply for CDL training in Tucson? Call HDS Truck Driving Institute today at (877) 205-2141 or stop by one of our open house events to learn more about the application process. You can also find additional information about applications and financial aid on our website.

Advice for New Truck Drivers

Beginning a career as a truck driver is an exciting time. Once you’ve finished your CDL training, it’s time to take to the road as you follow your dream. Keeping a few tips in mind as you begin your career can help you stay safe and achieve success throughout your time as a truck driver.

Drive Safely

The top tip from experienced truck drivers is to always drive safely. It can be easy to feel hurried, anxious, or even angry at other drivers on the road. However, failing to drive safely won’t get you to your destination any faster and it will instead put your life and the lives of others at risk. Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you—tailgating doesn’t save time and it poses a serious hazard if you need to make a sudden stop. Always use your indicators when making a lane change, turn, or when exiting the highway. Remember that your truck takes longer to stop and needs more space to make turns than other vehicles and always plan accordingly.

Don’t Forget Your Health

Driving a truck doesn’t mean you need to compromise your health. Start by getting enough sleep each night—plan your routes so you’ll know when and where you’re going to stop and sleep. A regular sleeping schedule can drastically improve your overall mood, health, and alertness on the road, which is an important safety consideration. Pack your own snacks and meals to avoid the temptation of fast food while on the road and keep plenty of water or tea handy to quench your thirst. Every time you make a stop, get out and take a short walk to keep your heart, muscles, and joints in good shape.

Becoming a truck driver is easier and more convenient than ever when you enroll in HDS Truck Driving Institute of Tucson. You can graduate in as little as four weeks when you take part in our day, evening, or weekend CDL classes. To reach us for more information, call (877) 205-2141 or use our online contact form.

Understanding Federal Hours of Service Rules for Truck Drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association exists to protect the health and safety of both truck drivers and the motorists who share the road with them. Hours of service regulations pertain to the number of hours a trucker may be on duty before he must take a mandatory break. These rules also regulate the length of breaks and downtime to ensure that truckers get a sufficient amount of rest before they resume driving.

Who Must Follow the Rules?

The FMCSA hours of service regulations apply to drivers who operate a commercial motor vehicle. Commercial motor vehicles are vehicles operated as part of a business, including trucks weighing 10,001 pounds or more that are engaged in interstate commerce. Drivers who do not cross state lines but operate within a state that has adopted the FMCSA regulations must also comply with these rules. All truck drivers who are considered “on-duty” are required to follow these regulations or they and their employers will face a penalty.

What Are the Rules?

The current set of hours of service regulations have been in effect since July 1, 2013. These regulations state that property-carrying drivers may only drive for a maximum of 11 hours following a consecutive ten-hour off-duty period. Furthermore, drivers may not continue to work after 14 consecutive hours on duty, regardless of the number of breaks taken. After eight consecutive hours of on-duty time, truck drivers must take a mandatory 30-minute break. Drivers may not operate their truck for more than 60/70 hours in a consecutive 7/8-day period. Once you have reached your maximum for this period, you must take a minimum 34-hour off-duty break before resuming work.

At HDS Truck Driving Institute of Tucson, we provide up-to-date education regarding truck driving skills, rules, and regulations so you’ll know exactly what to expect. We invite you to visit our Tucson CDL school at one of our open house events, check us out online, or call us today at (877) 205-2141 to discuss admissions and enrollment.

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is a significant safety hazard that affects both truck drivers and other motorists while on the road. Nearly 40% of motorists admit they have actually fallen asleep behind the wheel of a vehicle. Unfortunately, in many cases, truck drivers that become drowsy fail to notice the warning signs, putting themselves at risk. Learning to recognize these signs can alert you to the need to take appropriate action to keep yourself and others safe. If you do notice these signs, find the nearest safe place to pull over and get some rest before continuing your drive.

Physical Signs

As your body starts to fall asleep, your eyes may be difficult to keep open. Your eyelids may feel sore, gritty, and heavy, and you may find that you are blinking more frequently to remain aware of your surroundings. Trouble getting your vision to stay focused or a wandering gaze can also signal that you are becoming sleepy. Frequent yawning and the feeling that you cannot keep your head up are further signs that you should stop for a rest.

Mental Signs

Truck drivers may also experience mental signals that indicate fatigue. When you are tired, you are more likely to daydream. Your thoughts may wander and you may have trouble pulling them back to the task at hand. In some cases, you may not remember the last few miles you’ve driven, causing you to miss your signs or exits. Drowsiness can also cause feelings or restlessness, irritability, and a short temper that affect your ability to remain comfortable in the driver’s seat and keep your concentration on the road. If you notice any of these mental signals, it’s time to take action to prevent putting yourself or others at risk, regardless of whether you feel physically tired.

HDS Truck Driving Institute will teach you how to stay safe on the road as you pursue your truck driving career. Our Tucson CDL school features new driver and refresher courses in addition to road testing opportunities. Click through our website or call us at (877) 205-2141 for more information.

Essential Guidelines for Staying Safe on the Roads

As a trucker, your career involves certain risks associated with traveling on roadways. Whether you encounter distracted drivers, hazardous conditions, or fatigue, it’s important to keep your safety in mind at all times while driving your truck. Following a few essential safety guidelines will ensure that you have a safe and successful trucking career.

Avoid Talking or Texting on the Phone

Studies have shown that both talking and texting—even while using hands-free options—can reduce your concentration on the road by well over 30%. Avoid talking on the phone and never text while you are driving. If you need to make a phone call or answer a text, wait until you can safely pull your truck off the road before accessing your phone.

Wear Your Seatbelt

Seatbelts are an integral part of truck safety. Serious crashes can throw you from your truck if you are not buckled in, increasing your risk of death by up to 25 times. Always wear your seatbelt while in the driver’s seat, even if you are only taking your truck a short distance. There is no way to know what kind of hazards you will encounter during any drive, but your seatbelt will help to keep you safely in place if a crash does occur.

Know Your Blind Spots

Trucks can have many blind spots and each truck is slightly different. Staying aware of where other drivers are relative to your truck is a good way to prevent accidents. Never assume that other drivers know where your blind spots are; nor should you assume that drivers will know to stay out of your blind spots. Check your blind spots frequently and recheck them before you change lanes or make a turn.

At HDS Truck Driving Institute, you will learn how to keep yourself and others safe throughout your career as a trucker. Are you ready to get driving with our Class A and Class B bus training and testing options? Check out our website or give us a call at (877) 205-2141 to begin the admissions process today.

A Look at Proposed Fuel-Efficiency Standard Changes for Truckers

Fuel efficiency holds many benefits for truck drivers, trucking companies, and the environment alike. New regulations, ordered by President Obama this February and set to be drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department within one year, will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases generated by the trucking industry. This important change is a positive step toward a healthier environment for both today’s population and future generations.

Improving Gas Mileage

The goal of President Obama’s proposed fuel-efficiency standard changes is to improve the gas mileage of trucks. Better gas mileage means that truck drivers will not need to refuel as often. Truck drivers will thus be able to cover larger distances and meet deadlines with more efficiency. Improved efficiency can potentially increase safety on the roads for all by reducing rushed driving as well. Better gas mileage will also save truckers and their employers money because they will need to purchase less gas overall. Lower fuel costs will reduce the cost of truck operation, as well as the cost of consumer goods. A reduction in the amount of gas necessary to transport goods will also reduce the country’s dependency on foreign oil imports.

Reducing Climate Change

Studies have shown that mankind’s ever-growing industrial culture is having an effect on the climate. Greenhouse gases, which are released when fossil fuels such as diesel and gasoline are burned, increase the insulating effect of the atmosphere. This causes temperatures to rise across the globe, contributing to significant climate changes. Thus, lowering greenhouse gas emissions will reduce the effects of climate change, especially when these changes are made and observed over the long term.

The trucking industry plays an important role in the U.S. economy, and now it can also play a valuable part in reducing climate change. If you would like to learn more about the trucking industry and becoming a truck driver in Tucson, contact HDS Truck Driving Institute today by calling (877) 205-2141 or stop by our next open house. You can also find more information about CDL training and certification on the Web.

A Guide to Must-See Truck Driving Films

Truck driving is not only an excellent career choice; it is also a pivotal plot element in a number of films. Whether you enjoy watching movies that feature truck drivers as main characters or those that utilize trucks to progress the plot, there is a film choice you’re sure to enjoy.

Maximum Overdrive

Stephen King is a well-known master of horror and suspense. His short story “Trucks” was the inspiration for the1986 film Maximum Overdrive, which he also directed. The film stars Emilio Estevez, Yeardley Smith, Pat Hingle, and Laura Harrington, and features a more humorous tone than King’s other works. Maximum Overdrive follows a number of characters at the Dixie Boy truck stop as they deal with a series of bizarre events that occur when the Earth passes through the tail of a rogue comet. As inanimate objects come to life—including the trucks—the characters must fend for their lives. The film’s truck stop set, which was built in Leland, NC, was so realistic that during the filming, a number of real drivers pulled in to refuel!


The 1971 film Duel, directed by Steven Spielberg, is based on a short story by Richard Matheson. This single-lead film stars Dennis Weaver as David Mann, a salesman who is on a cross-country road trip. While on the road, he encounters a 1955 Peterbilt 281 tanker truck, which seems to follow and antagonize him no matter where he goes. As the film proceeds, these incidents escalate until the truck begins to threaten his life. The film was Spielberg’s second major directing project and was originally a made-for-television film. However, due to its success, the film was extended and released as a feature-length film overseas.

At HDS Truck Driving Institute, we can bring your movie-inspired dreams to life at our CDL professional truck driver training school. You can learn more about becoming a truck driver in Tucson by calling us at (877) 205-2141 or by clicking through our informative website.

Advice for Balancing Family Life and Your Truck Driving Schedule

Life as a trucker can sometimes mean long hours spent away from home while on the road. Even so, many truckers successfully manage their family and work schedules. Take a look through this article for some tips you can follow throughout your career.

Stay In Touch

Although you may be out on the road, there are many ways for truck drivers to stay in touch with their families. Cell phones, laptops, and tablets allow you to speak with your spouse and children in real time, and many truck stops offer free WiFi service. Scheduling a time to contact your family when you are off duty each day is a great way to keep in touch and remain an active part of their lives, even when you aren’t at home.

Include Your Children

Take the opportunity to include your children in your truck driving career while at home. Teach them about truck maintenance and allow them to help you with appropriate tasks, such as checking tire pressure or packing a safety kit. Children can also help you plan your trucking route before you set off. These simple actions will show your children that you care about including them in your life and help you to think of them while on the road as well.

Spend Time with Your Spouse

When you are at home, make an effort to spend time with your spouse. Whether you plan a romantic dinner out at a nice restaurant or spend the night in with a movie, this time together is important. Even small, simple gestures, such as breakfast in bed before you head out to work, can go a long way toward reminding you both of the importance and strength in your relationship.

HDS Truck Driving Institute is more than a CDL school—we will help you find and maintain your ideal career in truck driving for life! You can learn more about our Lifetime Job Placement Program when you visit our website, or (877) 205-2141 for details about our programs.