Balancing Your Diet During Your Life on the Road

When you get your first commercial truck driving road, you may find yourself getting tempted by treats at truck stops and fast food restaurants that you pass during your daily drives. However, neglecting your diet when you are on the road can lead to an expanded waist line and other serious health issues. With a few simple diet tips, it is very possible to maintain a healthy diet on the road. Let’s review three simple tips that truck drivers can use to balance their diets.

Eat Plenty of Fresh Foods

Fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are a foundation for a balanced diet. Rather than reaching for a bag of chips or a sugary soda, you can curb your cravings with carrots, apples, and other fresh snacks. Today, many gas stations and rest stops are stocked up with fresh produce items that are ready to grab and go.

Drink Lots of Water

During your long hours on the road, it can be tempting to reach for highly caffeinated or sugary beverages. While these drinks can provide you with a temporary energy boost, too many sugary and caffeinated beverages can lead to weight gain and blood sugar spikes. Carrying a water bottle with you as you drive will encourage you to drink plenty of fresh, healthy water as you drive.

Monitor Your Protein Intake

A balanced diet contains protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, many of the treats and meals that are available for truck drivers are very high in carbs and fats, and lower in protein. High protein foods, such as energy bars, protein shakes, and trail mixes, can help you supplement your diet with the fuel that you need to stay healthy.

When you attend classes at Yuma Truck Driving School, we will provide you with the information that you need to stay healthy on the road. If you are interested in our truck training programs, be sure to attend one of our open houses. Give us a call at (888) 647-3239 to hear more about how we can help you pass the CDL exam.

Why It’s Never Too Late in Life to Change Careers

If you have been working in the same field for decades, you may be dreaming of switching up your current position for an entirely new career. A field such as truck driving offers fantastic opportunities for career changes later on in life. By taking the plunge and transitioning to a new career, you can achieve a whole new outlook on your workweek. Let’s take a look at three reasons why it’s never too late to change careers.

Many Jobs Hire Older Workers

One of the main things that may be holding you back from changing careers is the thought that you are too old to be hired by a new company. In fact, there are many different types of industries that happily hire older workers. Many truck drivers, for example, get their first jobs after they have retired from their primary careers.

A New Career Provides Renewed Purpose

Working the same type of job day in and day out for decades may leave you feeling like your life is lacking in purpose. Studying for a new career and taking the time to send out your applications can renew your sense of purpose and accomplishment. When you get hired in your new career, you will also have the opportunity to gain additional skills and knowledge.

Career Changes Can Be Financially Beneficial

When you start to approach retirement age, you may find that your retirement fund is not as large as you would like. By changing careers, it is possible to find a new position that offers better opportunities for advancements and a healthier starting salary. After you have changed up your career, you may find that you are more financially stable.

At Yuma Truck Driving School, we welcome students who are looking for career changes. When you attend our truck driving school in Tucson, our friendly instructors will provide you with all the information that you need to embark on your truck driving career. Call us at (888) 647-3239 to learn more about our enrollment process.