Before you even enroll in truck driving school, you can familiarize yourself with some common trucking terms that you will probably encounter regularly on the road. Use this guide to prepare for your new career.
One of the most important elements of driving a truck safely is spotting any potential hazards on the road. An “alligator” is a term that refers to a piece of tire lying in the road. If possible, you should avoid these hazards so you do not get “bitten.” Although a truck is much bigger than a piece of a blown tire, it could cause damage to your hoses, belts, or other parts of the tractor. The force from your truck might also send it onto another vehicle and cause damage or an accident.
Backed Out of It
With all the weight of a truck, it might be hard to continue traveling at the same speed when the road inclines. If you can no longer maintain your speed on a hill and have to downshift, you refer to it as “backing out of it.” When this happens, you should move over to the right lane to let the faster drivers behind you pass.
The Federal Communication Commission encourages people who talk over CB radios to use handles. These nicknames make it easier to identify the speaker without having to announce your actual name over the radio waves. Drivers tend to pick their own CB handles and often choose a name that they feel reflects their personality.
Too Many Eggs in the Basket
You might use the term “too many eggs in the basket” if you are carrying too much weight in your truck. If you feel like your load is overweight, you should definitely mention something before you hit the road.
At HDS Truck Driving Institute, we give you the tools you need to earn your CDL and start working in the trucking industry. If you are ready to take control of your own career, we are here for you. To learn more about our programs or admissions, call (877) 205-2141.