Even after you have received standard CDL training, you will still receive on-the-job training once you begin work. This training may last for weeks or months, during which you will work with your trainer to hone the specific skills necessary for your job. Knowing what to expect from your on-the-job training can help you make the most of this valuable experience.
What You Will Learn
The purpose of on-the-job training is not only to practice your trucking skills, but also to ensure you learn all regulations and procedures required by your employer. Every trucking company has a unique set of driver requirements and protocols in place, which depend upon the company and your position. These requirements may include safety procedures and specialized policies on damaged goods or package returns. During your on-the-job-training, you’ll also become familiarized with the types of trailers you’ll be handling to ensure you can control your truck safely and effectively once you are on your own.
Why On-The-Job Training Is Valuable
One of the best ways to get the most from your on-the-job training is to recognize why it is valuable. During your on-the-job training, you’ll be working constantly with a more experienced trucker who can offer you advice, tips, and guidance. Taking advantage of your trainer’s experience can give you valuable insight that will help you avoid making beginner mistakes. It’s also important to recognize that the best way to hone your trucking skills is to practice them in the real world on roads in all types of conditions. Your training will allow you to do this while still retaining an experienced trucker at your side to help when you need it.
Are you ready to pursue a career in truck driving? HDS Truck Driving Institute is here to help—we offer comprehensive CDL training, refresher courses, and job placement services for all our graduates. Check out our blog for additional trucking advice and information, or give us a call at (877) 205-2141 to discuss admissions today.